Friday, June 17, 2011

Life Lessons from the Bike

1.  Hills always look bigger from far away. They're never as bad as they appear once you get closer and start taking them on (Niel Curley).

2.  It's not always best to be in the front of the pack.  Sometimes, it's better to be slow.  The first people are those who get lost and have to figure out the directions.

3.  Detours make the journey much more interesting.

4.  When photographing scenery, sometimes there's a better view right around the corner. Be patient.

5.  You need your friends to push and pull you up mountains. You can't do it all on your own.

6.  Sometimes your biggest obstacles aren't those that look the scariest, they're the ones you cannot see.  I'd take steep mountains over strong headwinds any day.

7.  Miley Cyrus, "The Climb".  I hate to admit it, but she's right.

8.  For every uphill, there's a downhill (Johnny Foster). 

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